Thursday, February 21, 2008

Google Natural listing - Top 10 tips

Top 10 tips - Google Success

  1. Use a mature domain, pre-2000 domain name registration if possible
  2. Analyse your Keyword selection, make sure you have check the stats - pick the words that will get the most traffic and cover all bases.
  3. Match Title tags with header tags h1 & h2 , take a looks at any of the big player in the travel industry and look at the source
  4. Use the description meta tags for your USP's, if you appear in 4th position and your competition is on 2nd or 3rd with a bunch of keywords for their description and you have UPS's you'll get more traffic.
  5. Get good quality text links into your website.
  6. Refresh your content and build your website's pages and content, a dormant site is a dying site. News article from 2003 are no good, get rid.
  7. Use text links and a sitemap.
  8. Avoid the use of equal signs(=) and question marks(?) in your address bar. This is an example from one of my customers who has all his products in one page .com/index.php?cPath=45. This is no good and need re-engineering
  9. Have a good looking website with easy navigation, you want your visitors to stay or be pleased by their viewing experience.
  10. Employ a professional with a proven track record in Ethical SEO & ROI. The Definition of ROI means you get £10 return in profit when you spend £1, why wouldn't you employ a professional with these figures?

Good luck.

Chris Horner
SEO Director